If you are planning on travelling distance to attractions, we would recommend that you contact the venues directly in advance to avoid disappointment.
If you, or any of your party have a new persistant cough, or develop a fever of 38C, we would instead advise you to use the NHS's dedicated website for professional advice.
The view that opens up in front of you as you approach the car park is breathtaking. Cairnsmore of Fleet and the Galloway Hills act as a backdrop to wild saltmarsh and mudflats which positively ooze with birdlife. Watch thousands of golden plovers, lapwings, knots and dunlins wheel in the sky in a mesmerising display. Between December and March the Crook plays host to thousands of winter visitors such as pink-footed and barnacle geese and a large number of shelducks, whooper and mute swans that feed and roost on the merse. In the hawthorn and crab apple trees you might see hundreds of redwings and fieldfares. Other birds that can be seen are oystercatchers, curlews, ringed plovers, pintails and wigeons. Along the upper saltmarsh there are wheatears, meadow pipits and skylarks, as well as linnets and goldfinches. The vast amounts of visiting birds attract birds of prey like peregrines, merlins and sparrowhawks. Ospreys can sometimes be seen fishing in the bay, but these are better viewed from the comfort of the osprey viewing room in the county buildings in Wigtown, with its live camera feed from a nest site.
Open all year.
It's free, but we'd love it if you made a donation to help us continue our work here
This is a nature reserve with livestock. For your safety, please keep dogs on a short lead (less than 2 metres) to prevent the scaring of livestock.
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